
I have had gamefowl 62 years of my 74 years of life. My first gamecock was an Allen Roundhead. He being my first rooster I ever owned I made a pet of him and named him "JoJo."
I think the most enjoyable years when I was showing my cocks regularly were in the 50's through the 70's. We had some good times back then. I say we because I had very good friends that was on my team. I was never a feeder so I needed help in order to compete. The breeding and raising was what I always liked best.
I got a lot of help back in those days from men I consider good breeders then and I still consider good breeders today. Gentlemen like Ed Garrard, Gene Hill, Frank Ellis, John O. Fowler, Colonel Givens, Ray Alexander and George Wood whom I met later in my life. There have been more local breeders and friends that really do many things to help and to this date they still do.
I can truly say that I have through advertising and selling my fowl since 1983, I have spoken to and met many fine people.
I must say that I have been blessed and would not take anything from the experiences that I have had with the gamefowl and the people that I know and have became friends with due to the association that I have had with the gamefowl.
Yours In Sport,
Sonny Poe